五官 Glomus tympanicum 鼓室球瘤
Glomus bodies in the middle ear are situated along Jacobson's nerve (a branch of CN IX,鼓室神经) which forms the tympanic plexus. Branches of the tympanic plexus (and potential locations for glomus tympanicum tumors) occur on the cochlear promontory, near the round window, eustachian tube egress, tensor tympani tendon and along the inferior tympanic canaliculus. The classic location is the cochlear promontory.
On CT, the tumors are typically small, do not erode the bone (as opposed to cholesteatomas). On MR they demonstrate marked enhancement. Larger tumors may have a 'salt and pepper' appearance caused by flow voids in the mass.
Glomus tumors occur (in order of frequency) at the jugular foramen, branches of the vagus nerve (Arnold's nerve), carotid bulb or hypotympanum.
Overall glomus tumors are multiple in 15% of patients.
骨骼 多发性基底细胞痣综合征
多发性基底细胞痣综合征 为家族性,属于常染色体显性遗传病。其特征是:多发性基底细胞痣或基底细胞癌、颌骨多发性囊肿、肋骨畸形、颅内钙化。临床表现为:①颌骨牙源性角化囊肿(下颌骨多于上颌骨,单发或多发,常为双颌同时累及);②痣样基底细胞癌(主要发生于面部、颈部、躯干上部、眶周、眼睑、鼻、颧突等部位;上唇为面部最常发部位,一般为单侧。多数病损处于静止状态);③肋骨畸形(包括分叉肋、融合肋、肋骨发育不全或部分缺失);④颅内钙化(最常见为大脑镰钙化,其次为小脑幕钙化)。
Radiologic Overview of the Diagnosis:
Basal cell nevus syndrome:
Key radiographic findings in basal cell nevus syndrome include odontogenic keratocysts (as described above), rib anomalies, vertebral anomalies, dural calcifications, and short metacarpals. These patients are at increased risk for medulloblastoma and cardiac and ovarian fibromas.
Key Points:
Multiple odontogenic keratocysts should raise concern for the possibility of basal cell nevus syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz syndrome).
This syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by multiple nevoid basal cell carcinomas.
Basal cell nevus syndrome has several other associations including: odontogenic keratocysts, dural calcifications, rib and vertebral anomalies, short metacarpals, and midface hypoplasia.
These patients are at increased risk for medulloblastoma and cardiac and ovarian fibromas.
泌尿 肾的先天性畸形
泌尿 肾周淋巴管扩张 Renal lymphangiectasia
European Journal of Radiology Extra 63 (2007) 61–63 已下载
泌尿 肾脏外伤分级
Hematuria with normal imaging studies
Nonexpanding subcapsular hematomas
Grade 2
Nonexpanding perinephric hematomas confined to the retroperitoneum
Superficial cortical lacerations less than 1 cm in depth without collecting system injury
Grade 3
Renal lacerations greater than 1 cm in depth that do not involve the collecting system
Grade 4
Renal lacerations extending through the kidney into the collecting system
Injuries involving the main renal artery or vein with contained hemorrhage
Segmental infarctions without associated lacerations
Expanding subcapsular hematomas compressing the kidney
Grade 5
Shattered or devascularized kidney
Ureteropelvic avulsions
Complete renal laceration or thrombus of the main renal artery or vein
Renal injuries can be classified into fourlarge categories based on imaging findings.
Category I renal injuriesinclude minor cortical contusion, subcapsular hematoma, minor lac-eration with limited perinephric hematoma, and small cortical infarct.
Category II lesions include major renal lacerations extending to themedulla with or without involvement of the collecting system and seg-mental renal infarct.
Category III lesions are catastrophic renal injuriesand include multiple renal lacerations and vascular injury involving therenal pedicle.
Category IV injuries are ureteropelvic junction injuries.
泌尿 特发性腹膜后纤维化
DDX:淋巴瘤 腹膜后淋巴瘤范围广,显示为大结节性肿块,密度不均,可伴有肠系膜淋巴结肿大,主动脉与椎体间距增大。
DDX:转移性淋巴结及转移性肿瘤 缺乏纤维组织,表现不为连续的主动脉旁肿块或淋巴结肿大。增强后肿块不均匀强化呈结节状。
泌尿 腹膜后肿瘤分类及特性
骨骼 Scheuermann's disease 少年性椎体骨软骨病
The etiology of Scheuermann's disease is unknown. Possible causes include underdevelopment of the anterior spine, congenital end-plate weakness, or repetitive microtrauma.
泌尿 肾积水时IVP的一些征象
泌尿 Fraley syndrome
a. Intravenous urography (nephrotomogram) showing slight fullness of the right upper pole calyces, with an associated lucency crossing the left upper pole infundibulum. b. Abdominal aortogram shows an artery (arrow) in the position corresponding to the lucency seen on intravenous urography, confirming the diagnosis of Fraley'syndrome.
中枢 不典型畸胎样/横纹肌样瘤
原发性不典型畸胎样/横纹肌样瘤(Atypical Teratoid / Rhabdoid Tumor, AT/RT )属于胚胎性肿瘤的一个亚类,是非常罕见的中枢神经系统的高度恶性的肿瘤,常发生于儿童。具有高度侵袭性及在CNS播散的潜力。其成分复杂,含有多个胚层,包括横纹肌瘤样细胞、原始神经外胚层肿瘤(PNET)细胞、间充质纺锤形样肿瘤细胞和/或上皮型肿瘤细胞,因此命名为不典型畸胎样/横纹肌样瘤。
由于其组织成分与PNET有较多重叠,过去多误诊为PNET/髓母细胞瘤或其它肿瘤(脑膜瘤等),近来由于免疫组织化学技术及分子基因技术的发展,通过特定的免疫组化标记物能够将AT/RT与其它肿瘤鉴别开来,包括EMA、vimentin、actin、hSNF5/INI1染色及基因分析。 94%在脑内,幕下多见,亦可位于幕上或椎管内。肿瘤体积常较大,易坏死、囊变、出血; 肿瘤供血丰富,常可见小流空的肿瘤血管信号影; 肿瘤强化明显,多呈环形强化,近正常脑组织面强化较内侧面更明显,也可呈实质性明显强化。 常发生脑脊液播散性转移至脑室、脊髓(24%)。 预后极差,1年及5年存活率分别为71%及28%。
鉴别诊断: PNET 髓母细胞瘤 胶质母细胞瘤 脑膜瘤等
呼吸 Congenital Lobar Emphysema
Progressive overdistension of lobe at birth
Male predominance 3:1
Associated with CHD in 15% (PDA,VSD)
Symptoms: respiratory distress (90%) and cyanosis <>
LUL 43%,RML 35%,RUL 20%,Two lobes involved 5%
X-ray Appearance
呼吸 仰卧位时气胸的判定 deep sulcus sign
1. High aortic obstruction
a. Aortitis
b. Coarctation of aorta---most common
c. Coarctation of aorta involving left subclavianartery or anomalous right subclavian artery(unilateral)
2. Low aortic obstruction (eg, aortic thrombosis)
3. Subclavian artery obstruction
a. Blalock-Taussig operation (unilateral)
b. Pulseless disease (eg, Takayasu’s arteritis); ad-vanced arteriosclerosis
4. Pulmonary oligemia
a. Absent pulmonary artery (unilateral)
b. Ebstein’s anomaly
c. Emphysema
d. Pseudotruncus arteriosus
e. Pulmonary valvular stenosis or atresia
f. Tetralogy of Fallotg
1. Obstruction of superior vena cava, innominate orsubclavian vein
1. Arteriovenous fistula of chest wall (intercostal ar-tery—vein)
2. Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula
1. Intercostal neurofibroma or neurilemmoma
2. Neurofibromatosis (type 1) ---Second common
3. Bulbar poliomyelitis; quadriplegia
1. Hyperparathyroidism
2. Osteodysplasty (Melnick-Needles syndrome)
3. Thalassemia
1. Idiopathic; normal variant
2. Indwelling catheter
Coarctation of the aorta is the classic cause for this etiology but normally appears bilaterally and affects ribs 4-8 due to hypertrophy and tortuosity of the intercostal arteries. The first two ribs should be uninvolved because the first and second intercostal arteries are supplied by the superior intercostal branch of the costocervical trunk.
Nuerofibromatosis Type 1 is a second common etiology for rib notching with the development of intercostal neurofibromas causing the appearance. This is the number one non-vascular etiology.
呼吸 肺先天性囊性腺瘤样畸形 CCAM
Pathogenetically, congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation has been attributed to an overgrowth of bronchioles, with almost complete suppression of alveolar development between the 7th and 10th weeks of embryonic life
CCAM is a congenital anomaly of the terminal brochioles which results in a dysplastic, multicystic mass. These cysts usually communicate with the bronchial tree. At birth, these cysts are fluid-filled. Ultimately, communication with the airway allows for the fluid-filled mass to become air-filled. Whether fluid-filled or air-filled, the cysts become increasing larger, exert mass effect, compress mediastinal structures and lung parenchyma.
CCAM consists of a multicystic intralobar mass of disorganized lung tissue, derived primarily from bronchioles. It can involve an entire lobe. Lower lobes are most often involved, but any lobe can be affected. The treatment of choice is excision of the affected lobe.
Infants less than one year old usually present with respiratory distress. Usually, the abnormality is confined to one lobe. There are three types of CCAM:
Type I: Single/multiple cysts > 2cm (most common).
Type II: Smaller cysts <2cm with mixed solid component.
Type III: Solitary solid mass.
Radiological differential diagnosis: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, congenital lobar emphysema, localized persistent pulmonary interstitial emphysema and pneumatocele.
Treatment: Surgical lobectomy is curative with Type I. There is increased morbidity and mortality with Type II and II because the lesions are often larger at presentation.
呼吸 Kartagener syndrome 支扩、副鼻窦炎、右位心三联征
Recurrent respiratory tract infections secondary to abnormal respiratory mucociliary function because of a generalized deficiency of dynein arms of cilia. Will also affect auditory epithelium and sperm tails. Diagnosed by triad of Situs inversus (including dextrocardia), sinusitis, and bronchiectasis(1.)
Kartagener's syndromeAlso known as:Afzelius syndrome,Kartageners triad,Zivert's syndrome,Zivert-Kartagener triad
Synonyms:Immotile cilia syndrome, ciliary dyskinesia, bronchiectasis-dextrocardia-sinusitis, sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus syndrome, situs inversus-sinusitis-bronchiectasis, dextrocardia-bronchiectasis-sinusitis immotile cilia, dextrokardia-bronchiektasis-sinusitis-syndrom (German).
泌尿 膀胱破裂分型及表现
2.腹膜内型膀胱破裂 膀胱壁破裂伴腹膜破裂,膀胱壁裂口与腹腔相通,尿液流入腹腔,引起腹膜炎。其损伤部位多见于膀胱的后壁和顶部。
腹部 腹膜后积气DD
(1) Traumatic rupture (usually duodenum)
(2) Perforation of duodenal ulcer
(3) Gas abscess of pancreas (usually extends into lesser sac)
(4) Urinary tract gas (trauma, infection)
(5) Dissected mediastinal air
(6) Iatrogenic
介入 腔内成形术后 内漏分类
Type 1: at the end of the graft at its attachment site with the aortic wall
Type 2: From retrograde collateral flow into the aneurysm sac by aortic branch vessels
Type 3: Through a graft defect or disconnection
Type 4: Through the graft material by increased porosity
Type 5: Endoleaks whose source is indeterminate
Types 1, 3, and 4 usually require intervention, type 2 can usually be watched, sometimes with eventual vessel embolization if the aneurysm sac is enlarging.
内漏的分型有多种,其中引用最多的是White提出的按血液渗漏部位区分的分型(2~3)它得到了血管外科学会和美国血管外科联合会(SVS/AAVS)的认同(4), 2002年,Veith等(1)又做出部分修改。
I型内漏为SG附着部内漏。因SG的近端或远端与瘤颈之间未能完全封闭,导致血流持续性流入动脉瘤腔内。又可分三个亚型:IA型和IB型分别指近、远端内漏,IC型指AUI支架中髂动脉封堵物(Iliac occluder)不严密引起的内漏。
狭义的内张力(Endotension)是指EVAR后延迟性增强CT扫描没有检出内漏,但瘤腔内张力增大的情况。广义则涵指所有瘤腔内张力增大的情形,包括各类内漏和狭义的内张力。Veith (1)等建议将其分为:A型,指即使手术也没有发现内漏;B型,指内漏已封闭或栓塞后的内张力;C型,指CT未检出的I、 III型内漏; D型,指CT未检出的II型内漏;后两种内张力只有在手术中才能证实,并主张将内张力视作V 型内漏。
腹部 门脉积气 原因与简单鉴别
Recent reports have shown that portomesenteric vein gas is associated with several causes besides mesenteric ischemia. Portomesenteric vein gas is idiopathic in approximately 15% of cases. In some cases, such as those involving portomesenteric vein gas due to infectious and inflammatory abdominal diseases, interventional procedures, trauma (as in our case), and transplantation, the prognosis is favorable and surgery is not required.
Intravascular gas occurs in less than 1% of patients who sustain blunt abdominal trauma. In these patients, portomesenteric vein gas is thought to result from acute pressure changes that occur at the time of injury and force intraluminal gas into the bowel wall, where it is absorbed into the portal circulation. Portomesenteric vein gas in the setting of blunt trauma does not necessarily imply bowel necrosis or perforation, and the absence of peritonitis may allow observation of this finding.
On CT scans, air in the portal vein manifests as ramifying streaks with air attenuation that can reach the capsule at the periphery of the liver. Air has a propensity to accumulate in the intrahepatic radicals of the left portal vein due to its more ventral location. Intrahepatic portal vein gas should be differentiated from aerobilia. The distribution of hepatic gas in patients with aerobilia is central, around the portal hilum, and does not extend to within 2 cm of the liver capsule. Gas in mesenteric vein branches should be differentiated from pneumoperitoneum. Pneumoperitoneum does not have a linear, ramifying configuration and can be present in the antimesenteric border of the intestine. Findings of portomesenteric vein gas at CT should be carefully evaluated in the context of clinical findings before making decisions regarding diagnosis and therapy.
Sebastià C et al. Portomesenteric vein gas: pathologic mechanisms, CT findings, and prognosis. RadioGraphics 2000;20:1213-1224; discussion 1224-1226.
Carmen Gallego et al. Congenital and Acquired Anomalies of the Portal Venous System. RadioGraphics 2002; 22:141–159
腹部 中肠扭转 "apple-peel / twisted ribbon / corkscrew" appearance
o Usually neonate or young infant
o Occasionally older child and adult
o Duodenal atresia
o Duodenal diaphragm
o Duodenal stenosis
o Annular pancreas
o Degree of twisting is variable and determines symptomatology
o Severe volvulus (= twist of 3 1/2 turns)
§ Can result in bowel necrosis
o Bile-stained vomiting
§ Intermittent
§ Postprandial
§ Projectile
o Abdominal distension
o Shock
o Recurring attacks of nausea
o Vomiting
o Abdominal pain
o Failure to thrive (hypoproteinemic gastroenteropathy as a result of lymphatic and venous obstruction)
o Dilated, air-filled duodenal bulb and paucity of gas distally
§ "Double bubble sign" = air-fluid levels in stomach and duodenum
o Isolated collection of gas-containing bowel loops distal to obstructed duodenum = gas-filled volvulus = closed-loop obstruction
§ From nonresorption of intestinal gas secondary to obstruction of mesenteric veins
o Duodenojejunal junction (ligament of Treitz) located lower than duodenal bulb and to the right of expected position
o Spiral course of midgut loops = "apple-peel / twisted ribbon / corkscrew" appearance (in 81%)
腹部 中肠扭转 Ladd's bands
Note the broad fan of meseteric attachment of the small bowel making it difficult for a volvulus of the small bowel to occur.
If the correct rotation does not occur, it is termed "malrotation". This results in the failure of proper mesenteric development so that instead of a broad fan of mesenteric attachment, the entire midgut is attached to the posterior abdominal wall by a short, narrow stalk in the region of the duodenum. There may also be bands crossing the duodenum (Ladd's Bands) which can cause duodenal obstruction.
View malrotation and Ladd's bands.
Note the mesenteric attachment of the cecum. This narrow stalk is more prone to volvulus. Additionally, this stalk (Ladd's bands) is capable of compressing the duodenum and obstructing it.
In a malrotation, many meters of intestine are free to twist around this stalk, which, since it contains the superior mesenteric artery, is vulnerable to strangulation and ischemic necrosis. The occurrence of this twisting and strangulation results in the surgical emergency called midgut volvulus. Midgut volvulus should not be confused with cecal or sigmoid volvulus. Cecal and sigmoid volvulus generally occur in adults. Sigmoid volvulus involves the large bowel and can often be decompressed by barium enema or other non-surgical procedures.
In midgut volvulus, the majority of the small bowel is involved in the stragulation. Substantial small bowel necrosis occurs without prompt surgical intervention.
In malrotation, the cecum may be prone to twisting or kinking if it is excessively mobile. Cecal volvulus can occur in the absence of malrotation. This most often presents in adults rather than children.
Sigmoid volvulus is the most common site of colonic volvulus. It occurs most often in the elderly. It is associated with elongation of the descending colon making the sigmoid region hypermobile and prone to twisting.