
泌尿 Unilateral renal cystic disease DDX

Except for its unilateral localization, the gross and histological findings of URCD 单侧多囊肾病 are indistinguishable from those of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease 常染色体显性多囊肾病 (ADPKD)However, unlike ADPKD, URCD patients show neither a genetic background nor progressive deterioration in renal function.

Besides ADPKD, multilocular cystic renal neoplasms, cystic dysplasia and multiple simple cysts are other categories of cystic diseases.

Multilocular cystic renal neoplasms 多房囊性肾瘤 usually form discrete, encapsulated masses that are well demarcated from the adjacent renal parenchyma. Also, a cystic neoplasm grows slowly and expands to displace normal renal parenchyma and does not contain the islands of enhancing parenchyma on CT, which are found in URCD.

A multicystic dysplastic kidney 多囊性肾发育不良 is usually diffusely cystic, severely dysplastic and non-functioning due to ureteropelvic occlusion. It is usually easily distinguished from URCD with sonography, CT and radionuclide studies. The collecting system draining the dysplastic segment is atretic or obstructed and, therefore, is not usually opacified on contrast-enhanced CT, whereas the collecting system in URCD shows only the displacement.

Multiple simple cysts may be difficult to distinguish from URCD when confined to one kidney. However, they are not as numerous as in URCD.



五官 Glomus tympanicum 鼓室球瘤

Glomus tympanicum is a benign hypervascular tumor that arises from glomus bodies (neural crest tissue).

Glomus bodies in the middle ear are situated along Jacobson's nerve (a branch of CN IX,鼓室神经) which forms the tympanic plexus. Branches of the tympanic plexus (and potential locations for glomus tympanicum tumors) occur on the cochlear promontory, near the round window, eustachian tube egress, tensor tympani tendon and along the inferior tympanic canaliculus. The classic location is the cochlear promontory.

On CT, the tumors are typically small, do not erode the bone (as opposed to cholesteatomas). On MR they demonstrate marked enhancement. Larger tumors may have a 'salt and pepper' appearance caused by flow voids in the mass.

Glomus tumors occur (in order of frequency) at the jugular foramen, branches of the vagus nerve (Arnold's nerve), carotid bulb or hypotympanum.

Overall glomus tumors are multiple in 15% of patients.



骨骼 多发性基底细胞痣综合征

痣样基底细胞瘤综合征(nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome)又称颌骨囊肿-基底细胞痣-肋骨分叉综合征或Gorlin综合征。1951年Binkley和Johnson首先叙述了此综合征,1960年Gorlin和Goltz进行了详细讨论。此综合征比较复杂,包含多种异常表现,主要有:①多发性牙源性角化囊肿;②多发性皮肤痣样基底细胞癌;③骨骼异常,特别是肋骨(常为分叉)和脊椎骨异常;④额部和颞顶部隆起,眶距过宽和轻度下颌前凸,形成特征性面部表现;⑤钙、磷代谢异常,表现有脑膜钙化和服用甲状旁腺素之后缺乏磷酸盐尿的排出。痣样基底细胞癌患者较年轻,常有家族史,具有常染色体显性遗传特征(fig.16=肋骨分叉;fig.17=颌骨囊肿伴子囊;fig.18=唇基底细胞癌)。

多发性基底细胞痣综合征 为家族性,属于常染色体显性遗传病。其特征是:多发性基底细胞痣或基底细胞癌、颌骨多发性囊肿、肋骨畸形、颅内钙化。临床表现为:①颌骨牙源性角化囊肿(下颌骨多于上颌骨,单发或多发,常为双颌同时累及);②痣样基底细胞癌(主要发生于面部、颈部、躯干上部、眶周、眼睑、鼻、颧突等部位;上唇为面部最常发部位,一般为单侧。多数病损处于静止状态);③肋骨畸形(包括分叉肋、融合肋、肋骨发育不全或部分缺失);④颅内钙化(最常见为大脑镰钙化,其次为小脑幕钙化)。


Radiologic Overview of the Diagnosis:
Basal cell nevus syndrome:
Key radiographic findings in basal cell nevus syndrome include odontogenic keratocysts (as described above), rib anomalies, vertebral anomalies, dural calcifications, and short metacarpals. These patients are at increased risk for medulloblastoma and cardiac and ovarian fibromas.

Key Points:
Multiple odontogenic keratocysts should raise concern for the possibility of basal cell nevus syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz syndrome).
This syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by multiple nevoid basal cell carcinomas.
Basal cell nevus syndrome has several other associations including: odontogenic keratocysts, dural calcifications, rib and vertebral anomalies, short metacarpals, and midface hypoplasia.
These patients are at increased risk for medulloblastoma and cardiac and ovarian fibromas.



泌尿 肾的先天性畸形



泌尿 肾周淋巴管扩张 Renal lymphangiectasia

Retroperitoneal lymphangiectasia associated with mediastinalextension: Radiologic findings

European Journal of Radiology Extra 63 (2007) 61–63 已下载

泌尿 肾脏外伤分级

Grade 1
Hematuria with normal imaging studies
Nonexpanding subcapsular hematomas
Grade 2
Nonexpanding perinephric hematomas confined to the retroperitoneum
Superficial cortical lacerations less than 1 cm in depth without collecting system injury
Grade 3
Renal lacerations greater than 1 cm in depth that do not involve the collecting system
Grade 4
Renal lacerations extending through the kidney into the collecting system
Injuries involving the main renal artery or vein with contained hemorrhage
Segmental infarctions without associated lacerations
Expanding subcapsular hematomas compressing the kidney
Grade 5
Shattered or devascularized kidney
Ureteropelvic avulsions
Complete renal laceration or thrombus of the main renal artery or vein


Renal injuries can be classified into fourlarge categories based on imaging findings.
Category I renal injuriesinclude minor cortical contusion, subcapsular hematoma, minor lac-eration with limited perinephric hematoma, and small cortical infarct.
Category II lesions include major renal lacerations extending to themedulla with or without involvement of the collecting system and seg-mental renal infarct.
Category III lesions are catastrophic renal injuriesand include multiple renal lacerations and vascular injury involving therenal pedicle.
Category IV injuries are ureteropelvic junction injuries.

泌尿 特发性腹膜后纤维化

DDX:淋巴瘤 腹膜后淋巴瘤范围广,显示为大结节性肿块,密度不均,可伴有肠系膜淋巴结肿大,主动脉与椎体间距增大。
DDX:转移性淋巴结及转移性肿瘤 缺乏纤维组织,表现不为连续的主动脉旁肿块或淋巴结肿大。增强后肿块不均匀强化呈结节状。
